February 2019 | Creating and Capturing Value – more than just cost reduction presented by Iain Fraser

Webinar Description

The recent International Project Management (IPM) Day no doubt saw various events and celebrations take place around the world. All well and good I hear you say.

Well perhaps so but remember that strategies continue to fail at over 70% (EIU) and programs of work and projects continue to waste huge amounts of money -$3million every minute (PMI). It’s therefore time to reflect and shift the focus to one of value rather than compliance and/or process adherence that seems to be so commonplace.

The acceleration of the VUCA world will continue to put pressure on organisational leaders to change, transform, or simply just catch-up to stay relevant. Boardroom directors, c-suite executives, and other leaders must shift their business approaches to one that is driven by a value creation and capture philosophy.

Success here lies in the adoption and integration of a number of key attributes around speeding-up and reducing waste. These include pivoting around the ‘3P’s to Success’ (purpose, people, performance), and value management that’s coupled to a higher level of portfoliomanagement.

Collectively I roll those into the ‘The Age of Simplification’ where one sets out to free the entity from the mid-management process centric stuff that I refer to as the organisational handcuffs, to allow for adaptability, and nimbleness to be quickly deployed as the need arises.

Video Link to Webinar Recording

About Iain Fraser


Iain Fraser is known throughout the world for using his head, heart, and gut to deliver inspiring and thought-leading presentations.He is truly somebody who understands the need for organizational change towards entities that are focused on creating, delivering, and capturing value.Author of the top-selling business book ‘The Business of Portfolio Management -Boosting Organizational Value through portfolio management’ as well as other publications. He uses his 30+ year professional and leadership experiences to craft his speaking, training, mentoring, and professional director activities.

Further Reading

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