March 2020 | Social intelligence: Why we need it and how we can get it presented by Ruth Pearce

Webinar Description

Project managers and their teams agree that communication and connecting stakeholders to the goals of a project are core to the role of project managers. A connection is a fundamental part of both aspects of our role. A connection is built on social intelligence - the way that we build and maintain relationships with others and elicit co-operation. This session explores social intelligence in project managers and provides tools for building social intelligence from the moment the session starts.

Research shows spotting and leveraging character strengths is a fast, effective way to enhance appreciation of our colleagues’ motivation and purpose. And that appreciation builds social intelligence. The good news is that character strengths spotting is easy and fun and can be learned in as little time as it takes to attend a workshop.

In this interactive transformative workshop, you will learn how to recognize, acknowledge and cultivate character strengths. You will be able to apply character strengths to your communication and develop specific actions that elevate your role as a connector and enhance the experience for your teams.

  • The importance of Social Intelligence for Project Managers.
  • The challenges and opportunities of Social intelligence.
  • Using Character strengths to develop Social Intelligence.

    • Character strengths in you.
    • Seeing strengths in others.
    • Leadership and Communication leveraging strengths.

Video Link to Webinar Recording

About Ruth Pearce


With more than 20 years of experience of running large and small programs, as well as leading large and small teams, Ruth Pearce has a wealth of direct experience and lessons she has learned directly from doing. She has been where you are now, acting as part of a team with a larger purpose, or as the compassionate leader of a team driving towards the goal.

Whether that team is a collocated team with a short-term deliverable, or an international team spanning multiple continents, time-zones and work styles, Ruth has direct experience of engaging the team to achieve extraordinary results.

In addition to her wealth of experience, Ruth’s love of learning supports her passion for helping teams and their managers bring their best selves to work, as she continues to accumulate wisdom and knowledge from as many sources as she is able. Certified in Positive Psychology, an avid user of the VIA Strengths Assessment, as well as a certified Gallup Strengthsfinder coach and in the MHS EQ-I 2.0 and 360 tools, she sees these tools as great starting points for increasing self-awareness and wellbeing.

Ruth says if she had to distil the lessons she has learned from her 30 years of working in everything from a stockbroker to State Government, and from a not-for-profit professional organization to an investment bank, it would result in one phrase:  "Be Hopeful: Be Strong: Be Brave: Be Curious"

Further Reading

Ruth's book "Be a Project Motivator: Unlock the Secrets of Strengths-Based Project Management" was published by Berrett-Koehler in November 2018. 

Click here to purchase your copy of the book.
