April 2020 | Benefits Realisation Management: Bridging the gap between strategy design and value delivery presented by Merv Wyeth

Webinar Description

Organisations that fail to bridge the gap between strategy design and value delivery are wasting eye-watering amounts of money on poor project performance. Most executives don’t recognise that strategy is delivered through initiatives, nor do they understand the importance of the effective project and programme management as the driver of organisational strategy.

Project and programme managers are experts in delivering outputs, capabilities and assets - such as new or improved products, services and infrastructure - but once these are completed, typically their involvement ceases. They create assets such as products, services and infrastructure and hand them over to the business. It is left to the business to take those assets and use them to create value! This represents a significant gap where value is eroded - destroyed even!

In this new era of maxim disruption and constant flux, organisations can no longer afford to waste money on the wrong projects or poor handover. Instead, they must ensure that all investments are managed as a coherent portfolio of change initiatives for which an integrated benefits realisation management capability at a strategic-level - such as an Enterprise PMO or Transformation Office - is key.

Video Link to Webinar Recording

About Merv Wyeth


Merv is an experienced programme manager, and a subject matter expert in managing benefits, better business cases and OpenStrategies.

He is the UK Service Delivery Partner of Amplify™ Industry-leading strategy execution management software. Amplify™ helps customers, including Fortune 500-listed global companies and corporations, to create business value from strategic change.

Merv is PMI UK Digital Events team lead, who design webinars that provide interactive learning experiences and valuable professional development to members, and the wider project delivery community.