June 2020 | Get more done without getting busier or burnt out presented by Andrew Pain

Webinar Description

Most of us know that in order to achieve the big things, we need to; break our goals into smaller, actionable chunks, delegate our tasks in order to free up time and avoid overstretching ourselves by learning to say NO. But for all that we already know, the average person still watches over 20 hours of TV each week, checks his/her phone over 100 times per day and complains about feeling stressed, most often due to workload!

Get more done, without getting busier or burnt out, is a transformational workshop to help people improve their habits and decision making, so they achieve exactly what they want but without sacrificing their most precious things.

You will learn how to:

  • Kick procrastination in the pants once and for all, so you no longer dither or delay.
  • Master your self-discipline with one powerful strategy: no more faffing about or working in 'snail' mode!
  • Eliminate 4 hidden habits, which drain 2 hours of your time every day.
  • Make wise decisions about your priorities, even when you're drowning
    in things to be done.

Video Link to Webinar Recording

About Andrew Pain


Andrew is a TEDx speaker, productivity coach, blogger and campaigner.

He serves people from all walks of life including; the long term unemployed, ex-offenders, entrepreneurs, students and young people and business leaders, helping them to take control of their time, so they achieve truly epic goals, but without sacrificing their most precious things.

Clients to date include; NHS, Compassion UK, RoSPA, Youth Offending Service, and a range of schools, colleges and small/mid-sized businesses.