November 2021 | Managing Risk for Sustainable Business by Dr David Hillson

Webinar Description

Everyone agrees that “Sustainability is A Good Thing”, reinforced by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the current emphasis on climate change, and the drive for green business. But our ability to achieve sustainability is uncertain, which has led to the development of Sustainability Risk Management (SRM).

If SRM is to be more than a label or the latest management fad, we need practical guidelines. In this keynote presentation, David Hillson describes a proven framework for SRM, based on the Five Capitals for Sustainability. Discover how a structured vulnerability assessment can be combined with the standard risk process to deliver sustainable projects, green businesses, and a better future for us all.

Video Link to Webinar Recording

About Dr David Hillson


Dr David Hillson is The Risk Doctor, an international thought-leader in risk management, with a global reputation as an excellent speaker and award-winning author. For over three decades, David has provided consulting support in a wide variety of industries, working in 60 countries on every continent except the Antarctic.

David is both a PMI Fellow and an Honorary Fellow of APM, marking his significant contributions to the field of risk management for over 30 years.

David offers a blend of innovative insights with practical application, presented in an accessible style that combines clarity with humour. His speaking is guided by the Risk Doctor motto: “Understand profoundly so you can explain simply.”

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