PMI UK Chapter

How do I claim PDUs for Chapter Meetings (1-2 PDUs)?

How do I claim PDUs for Chapter Meetings (1-2 PDUs)?

This process was simplified in July 2005. Whilst fax and mailing of hardcopy reporting forms is also an available option, the online reporting is quick and simple to use. The following outlines the key steps.

  1. PMP Attends Component's Event and retains receipts/record of attendance.
  2. Use Member Logon hot key on home page and logon (to the members area) using your PMI membership number and password.
  3. Select 'Claim/View PDUs Online' menu item.
  4. Login (to the online reporting area) by following instructions (you will need your certificate number and make sure you select 'PMI PDU Self Report Form' option).
  5. Select Category 3 from the drop down menu list (Category 3: Registered Education Provider program / PMI Component Event).
  6. Using Option 3, enter the UK Chapter's 'provider' code C075 and 'continue' This will take you to a screen headed with "Provider Name: PMI United Kingdom Chapter".
  7. Select the "PMI Component Presentation (One to Two PDUs)" hotkey.
  8. Enter the required information to complete the process.

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