PMI UK Chapter

2022 conference

About the Women in Project Management Break the Bias Conference

Celebrating United Nations International Women’s Day 2022

#BreaktheBias #IWD2022

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can achieve equality. Collectively we can #BreakTheBias.

PMI UK Chapter volunteers worked with Chapter partners across Europe to celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March 2022. We brought together current and next generation women PM professionals & change makers from the UK, Bulgaria, Germany, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Turkey, and the USA.

Key conference themes

  • Collaborate across boundaries We shared knowledge, experience, thought leadership, tips and tricks between PMI Chapters, cross-industry partners, and Associations.
  • Sustainable Development We built on the success of the PMI pre-COP26 Net Zero stepping-stone conference which we ran in October 2021. We discussed how women are breaking the bias to impact the global sustainability agenda.
  • The Inclusive Workplace We explored the challenges and opportunities that women in project management face in a post-Covid world. We focused on tackling the hot topics of unconscious bias, burn-out, and equity, and how to create workplaces that are inclusive and foster a sense of community.


Resources provided by Liz Hector

Mentoring Women, Busting Myths: We are not victims, we are the heroes of our own story 

Negotiation skills and how to coach them

Mentoring 2022

Tune in from 1100 on United Nations International Women’s Day (8 March) for a presentation about ‘Mentoring Women,’ followed by leaders from the Wintershall Dea Women’s Network, who will discuss the Seven Diversity Dimensions, as they share challenges, practices, learnings, and successes of creating worldwide network.

In the evening, from 1730, join us again for presentations on the role of women in breaking the bias, and inclusive digital transformation and how they are applied through Women’s Economic Empowerment. The evening will culminate with a panel of seven PMI chapters, on stage to discuss plans for the creation of pan-European ‘Women in Projects’ diversity, equity, and inclusion network.

Throughout the conference, speakers, and participants from a range of diverse backgrounds and sectors will provide their perspective on the key themes, trends, and current practices on how to bring value and #BreaktheBias.

This year, as we build on that theme, our event is going to be far more action-oriented. We will be sharing resources provided by the International Women’s Day team, and we will signpost the many products, services, take-aways, and volunteering opportunities for personal and professional development provided by PMI Global and local chapters.