PMI UK Chapter

June 2020 | The Future Ready PMO presented by Emma Arnaz-Pemberton

June 2020 | The Future Ready PMO presented by Emma Arnaz-Pemberton

Webinar Description

This webinar was focused on the technical aspects of PMO, reviewing the current challenges due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and developing a plan to improve the PMO offering for our future organisations.

Outline of subjects that were covered;

  • Current challenges for PMOs
  • Getting future-ready
  • Strategies to review your current PMO Performance
  • Building PMO improvement roadmaps
  • Tactics for implementing remotely

Video Link to Webinar Recording

About Emma Arnaz-Pemberton


A member of PMI UK and Spain Chapters, a Fellow of the Association for Project Management (APM) and an Axelos P3M3 Assessor; is a PMO, Project, Programme and Portfolio specialist. She has extensive experience in the change management industry and a focus on collaboration, reminding us that we should be human first and change champions second. She is a member and volunteer with; Project Management Institute, Project Management Without Borders, Project Managers Against Poverty, PM4Change and APM. Emma-Ruth organises Wellingtone’s two flagship annual events; the Future PMO conference and Project Management Day of Service.

Webinar Presentation Slides


Q1. PMP/other industry standard practises suggest a huge number of Tools & Techniques, do you believe PMO's should help guide PMs to deliver more efficiently?
A1. Yes definitely, PMOs are in a perfect position to do this and need to be familiar with a variety of methods and standards so that the right toolset is used for the right activities

Q2. Have there been any studies you're aware of that confirm - or otherwise- that PMO's add value to an organisation?
A2. Yes, we have evidence within or own client base that shows the value through uplifts in external audits, award winners, and efficiencies in project management processes

Q3. Which resources/training would you recommend for organisations starting their PMO journey?
A3. In terms of resources there is no substitute for your network, get connected to the right people on LinkedIn to see what is happening and current in the organisation. In terms of training I would recommend the PMO Practitioner course (full disclosure, I am the author!) which is part of our dedicated PMO Academy. It provides a practical approach to developing or transforming a PMO. We have case studies that show delegates have been able to apply their learning directly to the workplace and get a quick return on investment. There are some Axelos and other guidance that is out there such as P3O, Project Support Offices that have training courses too. You can find our more at

Q4. Is the Future PMO event happening?
A4. We will decide as to the format of FuturePMO in July once we are more aware of the requirements for keeping people safe.

Q5. Are you planning to provide the PMO leader training online?
A5. It will take some time before a vaccine is out there to restart F2F trainings. Yes! We are starting to offer our public courses as remote-live events from the end of June. Keep an eye out on or (Spain) for upcoming opportunities.

Q6. Who can do Maturity assessment for my organisation?
A6. Wellingtone offer P3M3 (Axelos) and our own developed version. You can find out more at

Q7. Can you say something about the use of Agile Approaches with a remote (whether COVID has driven or not) PMO and Project and Programme Governance?
A7. There is a key difference between Agile working and agility within the team. Agile is great for some kinds of projects and if we are managing those we should stick to the principles of agile. I would say agility is more important right now to ensure delivery is supported in the right way with assurance and governance - albeit the right amount! So, pragmatism is also key at this time and I think will be in the future too.

Q8. What's the difference between PMO and project controls?
A8. The 'P' in PMO can reflect different things but generally, project controls office is focused on the tactical aspects of assuring delivery. The wider scope of PMO is taken up with project, programme, portfolio support and even includes capability development and centre of competence (sometimes called excellence) activities. PMO can mean different things to different people in different organisations and even industries.

Further Reading

Links to useful tools at:

PMO MoT Test (UK version), Click here.

PMO MoT Test (Spanish version), Click here.

PMO Superhero quiz, Click here.

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