PMI UK Chapter

How to collect PDUs

How to collect PDUs

Download  the Continuing Certification Handbook here and read the requirements. We recommend you have a folder and keep in it your evidence of the PDUs - such as attendance at PMI UK events, training course certificates etc. There are many ways of earning PDUs, described in the handbook. From time to time visit the web site here to register your PDUs. You are required to collect 60 PDUs each three years. You may carry forwards a surplus of up to 20 PDUs to the next 3 year cycle, if they are earned in the last year. Be sure to ask that the surplus is carried forwards. We recommend you do not register more that 80 PDUs as there is no benefit. The downside is that your PDUs may be audited by PMI and the more you have claimed the bigger the job of assembling the evidence.

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