PMI UK Chapter

October 2021 I Transformational Projects – the Orkney story so far by Dr. Gareth Davies

October 2021 I Transformational Projects – the Orkney story so far by Dr. Gareth Davies

Webinar Description

Working and delivering projects in your own ‘backyard’ demands some of the highest standards of stewardship because you are entirely accountable and responsible for everything that you do and whatever happens. World class programme and project management are therefore essential tools in delivering consistent and insightful quality results. 

The archipelago and nearby waters of Orkney as well as its neighbouring island groups and Scottish mainland communities have created a wealth of opportunities over the last 50 years or so for implementing programmes and project in some extremely challenging conditions and circumstances.

The combination of local expectations and working conditions have demanded the highest standards of project development and management. Even small tasks require care and consideration of issues that do not have the same potential impact elsewhere. Managing such risks and opportunities is therefore a collective skill and endeavour that the whole community needs to engage in.

In this presentation Gareth sets out some of these key driving forces in island-based developments and then gives some amazing case study examples of project activity that in underway and planned in and around the islands. These activities amount to a programme of work over the next 20-30 years which is likely to cost more than £150 billion and deliver between 20% and 50% of the UKs total clean energy requirements (electrons and molecules).

A huge prize at a local, national and even global level – which will all need to be facilitated and delivered by exemplary programme and project management – hopefully with much of it delivered locally!  

Video Link to Webinar Recording

About Dr. Gareth Davies


Gareth has been based in the Orkney Islands, off the north of Scotland for most of the last 30 years or so. Within this pioneering community he has grown a successful environmental and sustainable energy consultancy business Aquatera, which has now expanded to provide global reach. However, the needs and opportunities in and around Orkney still provide a core focus. 

Gareth has led his team in over 900 projects with 300 being undertaken in Orkney. Sometimes these projects are self-contained, standalone task; but on most occasions the Aquatera team are working on specific tasks within larger projects and alongside other task teams. All this work is however programme and project driven and demands high management standards.

Over Gareth’s career he has used many programme and project management tools and techniques and has also developed several new tools where gaps and deficiencies have been apparent. He has been a part of many major successes and has also experienced a few challenging situations that have required imaginative and decisive mitigative action to keep things on track. As an ecologist by background Gareth brings a ecosystem driven approach to his and the company’s work seeking fully sustainable solutions but within an achievable commercial and political framework.